Jah Kydd Money pree, , Dencehall routine By Olya Bam Bitta, Ra Dstation, story about money
Our new easy dancehall video dancehall is language and it help to us tell story we tell about money, how it need people, but we know happy in dance, not in money Use for our story dancehall steps: paper, paper bag, paper not, money box, money tree, money mouth, Jamaican thief, just relax, oh baby, business, get there, walk, hamma dance, happy hour, confuse, difficult watch and ketch our vibes Dancers: Olga Simakova, Anna Zhdanova, Nikita Shvecov, Natali Lubnina, Irina Grigoreva, Klava Bivalskaya, Sasha Garen, Kristina Pachina, Dasha Bizayeva, Jenyz Regeda, Ulya Kupriyanova, Irina Ermolina, Ulya Moshora for contacts: Olga Siamkova (BamBitta) : RaD station Instagram: Instagram: olyabambitta radstation We are not own this music and use it only for inspiration.