Robocop Vs The Terminator: Which Cyborg Wins Our Face Off
Over the years, a movie starring the two greatest cyborgs ever, Peter Weller s Robocop and Arnold Schwarzenegger s The Terminator, was on and off in development since the early 90s, but unfortunately for whatever reason, it just didnt happen. All we got was a really cool Dark Horse comic series, and a neat video game. However, were gonna turn that frown upside down, set our sights to FACEOFF mode, and break down these two cyborg warriors to see who will come out on top. So bust out your Rock Em Sock Em Robots and put on your heavy metal armor because its time for FACE OFF This episode of Face Off is written by Jay Saint G, narrated by Shawn Knippelberg, and edited by Jay Saint G. Let us know in the comments which machine youd rather roll with The Terminator or Robocop For more MOVIE NEWS, visit: , Robocop, TheTerminator, FaceOff