Laurie Spiegel Drums (1975)
Created with the GROOVE system at Bell Labs. Excerpt from: A technical breakdown of the GROOVE setup can become pretty complex, but, in brief, the system was controlled from a room that held a console, a monitor, a threeoctave keyboard, and a joystick operated by the user, all of which was separated by a glass window from a temperaturecontrolled room with a large DDP224 computer, which was in turn linked up to a digital magnetic tape drive down the hall. The extent of Spiegels venturesome spirit as a composer is further revealed on the reissue (of The Expanding Universe). In particular, her programming of pitched percussive accents on the polyrhythmic track Drums, as well as on the fiveminute Clockworks, looks ahead to the notyetinvented world of minimal THE HOUSE WARMING