6 HOURS of me Busting my Yarn Stash ( Compilation)
Oh my goodness every stash busting video ever in one place The links in the description aspect of this one proved a nightmare. The only feasible way I could do it was to simply link to the original videos. So if you see something you like, look up which month it s from using the chapter titles, follow the link below to that original video and then use the description of THAT video to find what you re looking for. Not ideal I know but I simply didn t have the space for 6 hrs worth of links Chapters: Organising my Stash: 00:00 Month 1 July 2022: 31:14 Month 2 August 2022: 1:05:16 Month 3 September 2022: 1:32:06 Month 4 October 2022: 1:59:23 Month 5 November 2022: 2:32:15 Month 7 January (I took December off) 2023: 2:48:01