Lori and Amari Update January 18, 2019
As I have promised, here is short a video of Amari and Lori, the two macaques we rescued from Angkor. UPDATES Both have made a remarkable recovery and are in good health, as you can see. We need to keep Amari in a small cage during the time we are unable to give her direct supervision, because she is blind. For the same reason we cannot keep her with other macaques. However she is very happy to have the company of her daughter, Lori, once again and we give them the opportunity to enjoy some time outside their enclosure when we can. After she has been outside for a while Amari sometimes gets a little concerned due to her lack of vision and we then return her to the safety of her cage. Me and my staff have a great deal of work with our wildlife rescue, care and release programs and daily updates are not possible, but we will keep you informed of the progress of these two as we are able. Lori was in very bad shape when she arrived with us. She was totall