Juan Manuel Ruiz Cutouts
Watch the new song video of Juan Manuel Ruiz, Cutouts included in the album of the same name. SUBSCRIBE for more music from Juan Manuel Ruiz: SHEET MUSIC: (Sheet music): Click here to buy this album on iTunes: Click here tu buy this album on Amazon: Video edited by: Juan Manuel Ruiz Images and videos: Steve Johnson, Natalie, Fiona Art, Flo Maderebner, Pixabay, David Bartus, Sharon McCutcheon, Oliver Sjöström, James Wheeler, Steve Johnson. Taryn Elliott, Home Adrift, Kelly Lacy, Ruvim Miksanskiy, Iggy Poptratz, Tom Fisk, Felix Mittermeier, Ricardo Esquivel, Peter Fowler, Listen to more of Juan Manuel Ruiz s music on Spotify, iTunes, Pandora and Soundcloud Spotify: