Hearthstone F2 P ladder climb on EU, 28 Arcane Missiles
Start from the beginning: 0:00 vs aggro Paladin 4:33 vs giants Warlock 9:26 vs similar Mage deck, but with lots of legendary replacements 16:49 vs Kolento playing his take on Hunter. Slower and not quite as tothefacey as usual. 22:02 Kolento rematch. 27:33 vs aggro Warlock 31:00 vs aggro Warlock 33:32 Deck switchup. 2x Arcane Missiles, Acidic Swamp Ooze out. 2x Arcane Explosion, Earthen Ring Farseer in. 34:20 vs miracle Rogue 42:09 vs mrgrlgrlgrl