4 K 4세대 퍼포장인 신인여돌 PURPLE KISS(퍼플키스), ATEEZ THE BOYZ NCT, Cover Dance Medley, COUNT DANCE, 카운트댄스
4K 4세대 퍼포장인 신인여돌 PURPLE KISS(퍼플키스), ATEEZ THE BOYZ NCT, Cover Dance Medley, COUNT DANCE, 카운트댄스 , PURPLEKISS, COUNTDANCE, BLACKPINK, NCT, MAMAMOO, GIDLE, THEBOYZ, ATEEZ, KDA, New1theKOriginal, 1theK, 원더케이, 원더케이오리지널 A selection of PURPLE KISSs dance covers of todays performance master Kpop idols The group will lead the fourth generation of Kpop God PURPLE KISS is good at singingas well as dancing Is there anyone who can tell us how RBW can find such talented people every time COUNTDANCE TIMELINE 0:07 (G)IDLE HWAA(火花) 0:44 MAMAMOO 너나 해(Egotistic) 1:23 NCT U Baby Don t Stop 1:56 ATEEZ INCEPTION 2:36 K, DA MORE 3:10 THE BOYZ The Stealer 3:49 BLACKPINK Pretty Savage 퍼플키스 공식 채널에서 공개될 다양한 글로벌 커버곡을 기대해주세요 The various cover songs from all over the world will be released PURPLE KISS s official channel PURPLE KISS YT: PURPLE KISS FB: PURPLE KISS TW: PURPLE KISS FANCAFE: