Massive Hang Time Destination Fd ( Vol. 25)
Here s me commentary on Destination F d Volume 25 If ya have a video ya wanna send me go to and subscribe to to see all the raw stuff you legends send in Cheers, Ozzy Man SAUCES: 1. Dog Frisbee Catch (Jenny Powell) 2. Flippy Pole Fail (Simibrunner) 3. Water Ski Faceplant submitted by Jack, cheers Jack 4. Water Tube Flip submitted by Justin, thanks Justin 5. Toboggan Tumble submitted by Adam, Cheers Adam 6. Drink Explosion by Konstantinos, Thanks Konstantinos 7. Pyramid (ViralHog) 8. Wedding Fail (TheSun) 9. Bad Serenading Submitted by Israel, Cheers Israel 10. Ladder Worker Fail by Liam, Cheers Liam 11. Bar Fight (laurenhodgson518) 12. Ball Drink Bounce (Laurrrenhunter) 13. Beer Delivery Blunder S