Demystifying Post Production: UV Workflows Unwrapping a Character in Cinema 4 D Week 3
DPP: UV Workflows Unwrapping a Character in Cinema 4D Week 3 Join us for an exciting series of live streams about UV and texturing workflows in Cinema4D and ZBrush. In this series, we will guide you through the basics of UV editing and texture projections. Based on a series of useful projects, we are also going to go through the whole process of unwrapping characters, organic, and hard surface objects. Demystifying PostProduction: UV Workflows Unwrapping a Character in Cinema 4D Join us for another exciting live stream about UV workflows in Cinema4D. This time, we will show how to unwrap a character. You will learn various selection workflows that will help you unwrapping organic objects. 00:00:00 Waiting loop 00:02:36 Welcome 00:03:43 Housekeeping 00:05:23 Today s Theme 00:06:34 Artista, UV Unwrap Intro 00:06:41 Follow along, Asset Browser 00:07:04 First inspection, multiple obj 1 00:08:19 Starting over, delet