EXTIZE Xeno Queen ( Alien) ( Official Video), dark Tunes Music Group
Taken from the concept album MONSTARS DOWNLOAD: COLLECTOR BOX DIGIPAK: STREAMING: more infos below EXTIZE MonStars (September 30th. 2022) One, two, three and four new EXTIZE album at your door An electrifying musical tribute to the most iconic h0rr0r and scifi movies Welcome to the MONSTAR(S) party of the year, kickstarted by the one and only dreamboy Freddy Krueger and his darkwave anthem The dancefloor makes room for the xenomorph queen of this evening and her cyberpunk dance, followed by the beloved wasteland warrior Mad Max whos here to spill some fuel and light the scene up Anyone brave enough to ask cyberpunk girl Carrie out Dont worry, she doesnt bite. But she might set you on fire. Not to mention that every good party needs great entertainment and ours appears to be a clown from Rob