Akufen My Way Full Album
FACEBOOK: WEBSITE: Force Inc. explores the Black Music Box. Force Inc. is Ultrablackness. Force Inc. is the old, new Rhythmight. Ryhthm mutates into a nonlinear evilness and becomes a black sound ground. UltrablackMusic will escape from the ban of time and intensifies itself in the principle: andwhenyouhearinrhythmyouaretheco(s)micwarriorwiththegoldenimperativeinthelastinstance: tictoc fuck the clock. Force Inc. transfers Black Music into CraterTechno: Frequencies of a shattering drive, as if one would play basketball with a demolitionball on concrete. Imagine: Acid will be played with two drumbreaks so long as they clatter like two chromed tails of snakes and buzz around your head in opposite directions: Dance yourself to death.