Daryl Dixon Tribute, , Come As You Are TWD + 10x18 Spoilers
Song: Come As You Are Artist: Nirvana Hello there, new Daryl Dixon Tribute here. Spoilers for the latest episode of The Walking Dead: Episode 18 Find Me. The newest episode had a lot of great moments for Norman Reedus Daryl Dixon, so I figured it would be fun to create a new Daryl edit. I also saw on Norman s social media that he liked Nirvana and Kurt Cobain, as do I, so I figured it would be nice to combine the two. The video was quite tricky to make, but I m happy with the end result. I have made a tribute with a cover of Come As You Are in the past, but I feel like the original is just so much better and definitely deserves it s own video. Here is the cover version I made 12 years ago: The Song Come As You Are has always been one my favourites on the album Nevermind, alongside stuff like Smells Like Teen Spirit, Lithium, Drain You and Something In The Way. I would like to edit more Nirvana x TWD in the future, but it s very difficult, so it might take