Keep America Beautiful: The Crying Indian (1970)
Iron Eyes Cody (born Espera Oscar de Corti, April 3, 1904 January 4, 1999) was an ItalianAmerican actor. He portrayed Native Americans in Hollywood films, 2 famously as Chief Iron Eyes in Bob Hope s The Paleface (1948). He also played a Native American shedding a tear about litter in one of the country s most wellknown television public service announcements, Keep America Living in Hollywood, he began to insist, even in his private life, that he was Native American, over time claiming membership in several different tribes. In 1996, Cody s halfsister said that he was of Italian ancestry, but he denied After his death, it was revealed that he was of Sicilian parentage, and not Native American at was widely seen as the Crying Indian in the Keep America Beautiful public service announcements (PSA) in the early The environmental commercial showed Cody in costume, shedding a tear after trash is thrown from the window of a car and it lands at his feet. The anno