HA HSF, Kamov Ka 26 Budaörsi Airshow 3, UNCUT COCKPIT VIDEO
Uncut cockpit video, which was made during a demo flight at Budaörsi Airshow 3. This helicopter was produced in 1976 in Kumertau (Russia) as the eighth airframe of the fiftyfifth batch. She started her career in the fleet of Aeroflot as CCCP19668. Later she become UR19668 and was used for pipeline control in the Kiev region under SpecAvia titles. She stood derelight for some years in KievBorodyanka airfield, then in 2011 Urbán Ltd. bought and brought her to Hungary. She got the current registration nr. and started to operate as a crop duster helicopter with HAMMD and HAMRN. Due to her recently overhauled engines and her brand new paintwork she is in quite good technical and external conditions. Kamov Ka26 is a multipurpose, light helicopter, invented by N. I. Kamov in the middle of the 1960s. First flight of this type was in August 18, 1965, she was mainly used for training flights, agricultural tasks, passenger transport, cargo transport, pipe inspection and also for traffic