Lots of BIG girls in this 1750 anime haul And yuri couples November Anime Figure Releases
These girls are STACKED. Makes me jealous. Also we got some yuri pairings in here So many adorable waifus Welcome to BAD ANIME DECISIONS with Anya Fuyu BADAF), where your time and money is more valuable than ours. We talk about otaku products like gunpla, light novels, and anime figures to help you make good (bad ) decisions. And remember, anime was a mistake. Community, Chat Rules: 1. Absolutely no transphobia, racism, etc or anything that harms marginalized groups. 2. Anya is a woman. No misgendering. 3. No referencing figures of hate, not even in your usernames. 4. Dont selfpromote your own channel unless I specifically ask. 5. Dont bring up other Vtubers unless I bring them up first or ask about them. 6. Dont spam. 7. No backseat gaming, arting, building unless I ask for it. 3D Model EYO by Jingo Music from DOVA Syndrome, Youtube Audio, Stream Beats