Luka Megurine Do you want to die ( Maki Harukawa fan song) VOCALOID original
Do you want to die, huh SPOILERS FOR DANGANRONPA V3. Sorry about the thing with the premieres I posted it then listened to it again and decided it would be best to tweak some things a little before it comes out. That s what I get for being indecisive lmao. I M BACK. Oh boy, it s been a got caught up in, y know, life. I regret not getting this done sooner though. It was sitting on my computer 2, 3 s of the way finished for ages, BUT what s done is done and now this song is also DONE. I got this professionally mixed but there were some issues with the mix I had to go in and fix so I hope it s ok It s hard for me to tell what sounds good anymore after blasting this into my ears for So let me know what you think :) So, what s next for Mcki Robyns WELL, I ve got another 4 songs in the works (One with a cocky Fukase, two dark ass songs and a twisted love song) and like, 10 other song ideas so I won t be running out of inspiration anytime soon (PLUS I want to redo Drown in it)