Playing the lick on 58 different instruments
Just in case you were wondering about the collection that I ve This quick melody is said to be the most famous jazz cliché ever : In order of appearance: Acoustic ukulele Electric ukulele Nylon string acoustic guitar Steel string acoustic guitar 12string acoustic guitar Electric guitar Bass VI Bass guitar Ukulele bass Lap steel guitar Electric violin Cello Mandolin Banjo Trumpet Trombone Euphonium Alto saxophone Clarinet Flute Oboe Electronic wind instrument Sopranino recorder Soprano recorder Alto recorder Tenor recorder G tin whistle D tin whistle B tin whistle Bamboo flute Ocarina Slide whistle Bawu Fife Dollar store flute Bassoon Yamaha keyboard Nord keyboard Kawai mini keyboard Keytar Nektar MIDI controller Omnichord Xylophone Glockenspiel Dollar store xylophone Autoha