Die Young ( Kesha) Fan Animated Music Video Vivzie Pop reaction
Introduction How s it going my fellow fox s of the fox clan It s your boy markipaine here. join me as I react to a interesting video called Die young (Kesha) Fan Animated Music Video VivziePop. Name of the video Die Young (Kesha) Fan Animated Music Video VivziePop Video link Channel name VivziePop Channel link Channel description Heya My name is Vivienne, and I like to animate cartoons and songs I am a grad of SVA in NYC, majoring in traditional animation, and I animate films based on the silly characters I keep coming up with I have also taken to trying to fan animate some songs every now n then. Songs that give me inspiration or direct visuals I adore musicals and villains and animals, can t you tell Hope you enjoy c: FAQ: What programs do you use TV Paint for animation, Adobe premiere, After effects, Sai and Photoshop When is your next animation Animation takes time,