I m a Terrible Grenadier, Milsim West: Strike on Salsk Part 1, 2 ( HK416 A5 w, M320 Grenade Launcher)
An understrength NATO company has taken a strategic position on a tall hill with a large structure. This position is codenamed the castle. During the first night of action a RUSFOR company has taken control of the only supply road leading to the NATO position. To be resupplied NATO must repel the Russian attackers who out number them 21 and retake the road. Play a Desert Fox Airsoft Event Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter Get my gear DesertFox Airsoft is an Airsoft Youtube channel dedicated to promoting the safe, fun and unique game of airsoft. Airsoft is a military simulation sport where players participate in mock battles with replica guns and use military type tactics. Unlike paintball, airsoft uses 6mm round BBs made of hard plastic.