16 Ways to Tell Your Cat I Love You so They Can Understand
Sometimes you just want your cat to know how much you love them. Luckily, there are some easy ways of sharing your emotions with your feline companion. In this video, you will learn 16 surprising ways to say I love you in cat language. Blink slowly and gaze lovingly into their eyes Slowly blinking your eyes at your cat is akin to the human kiss. Cats show affection by looking at someone and slowly closing their eyes and opening them again. Get to eye level with your cat and do the same thing. Meet their gaze and blink back. They will know you love them too. Animal experts use this technique to calm fearful cats. Let them rub on you We might think of cats as less in need of affection when compared to dogs, but this isn t true. Cats love their owners and they thrive off human affection. When your cat rubs against you, it is a true sign that you are their person. Cats have scent glands in their cheeks and head. When they rub against you, they are claiming you as their own by le