176 vs 11 Doughnuts: Pro Chef Home Cook Swap Ingredients, Epicurious
Expert chef Penny Stankiewicz from the Institute of Culinary Education and home cook Onika are trading doughnut recipes and hitting the kitchen. We set Onika up with 176 worth of ingredients and Pennys decadent recipe while sending only a modest 11 worth of goods back the other way. To assist Onika with her deluxe dessert task, food scientist Rose dialed in to lend some expert advice. Which of these doughnuts would you attempt to make at home Still havent subscribed to Epicurious on YouTube ABOUT EPICURIOUS Browse thousands of recipes and videos from Bon Appétit, Gourmet, and more. Find inventive cooking ideas, ingredients, and restaurant menus from the worlds largest food archive. 176 vs 11 Doughnuts: Pro Chef Home Cook Swap Ingredients, Epicurious