Rhett and Link Break Down Their Favorite Snacks, Snacked
Rhett and Link host their popular YouTube channel Good Mythical Morning and recently launched Sporked, their new website dedicated to helping you find the best food on shelves. But when theyre not taste testing various foods for the YouTube masses, theyre battling over who has the best snacks. From nutter butter concoctions, to black licorice that might make you feel uncomfortable, and even an argument for why mineral water is a snack, Rhett Link go head to head for snack supremacy. Chapters Intro: 00:00 00:21 Ruffles: 00:22 01:30 Licorice: 01:31 02:17 Topo Chico: 02:18 03:13 Big Mama Sausage: 03:15 04:23 Nutter Butter Battle: 04:24 07:30 Outro: 07:31 07:54 BUY HOT ONES BONELESS CHICKEN BITES NOW: MAKE A DIFFERENCE BY DONATING TO COMMON THREADS, THE BRANDNEW CHARITY PARTNER OF HOT ONES: BUY HOT ONES TRUTH OR DAB THE GAME NOW: BUY HOT ONES HOT SAUCE NOW: HO