A Sudden Change, Full Movie, Trusting God, Produced by Dave Christiano
There are times in life when a change comes that you don t want to happen When that happens, the end result is a person must simply trust God. This special movie presentation originally aired in 3 parts on Season 2 of the series 7th Street Theater. The episodes are A Sudden Change (Part 1), A Sudden Change (Part 2) and A Postcard From Florida. WriterProducerDirector: Dave Christiano Actors: Hugh McLean, Johanna Jowett, Shane Willimon, Jack Kelly 7TH STREET THEATER is a drama series about five Christian actors who perform a weekly stage show for their community. There are 3 Seasons in the series and a total of 64 episodes. Season One has 24 episodes, Season Two has 20 and Season Three has 20. All of these episodes are on our YouTube channel. There are also movie versions on our YouTube channel of episodes that are either two parts or four parts edited together. These movie versions are called: The Lett