Honda Civic vs. Mazda Miata Epic Showdown: Danger Dan Races Nads B20 EG ,, This vs. That
Thanks to NOS Energy Drink. Go check them out: Web: IG: Its the race no one asked for, but trust us its the one you wanted. Two of our most underpowered cars line it up in what just might be the second slowest race weve ever done (the HEMTT takes the cake maybe). Nads does his official onscreen drag racing debut in his B20 powered EG hatch that we built for him, while Danger Dan lets the lettuce fly in his glorious animalprint having Miata daily driver. Weve said it before but this is one of those episodes where everybody wins. Thanks to DAN SOMMER, MAZDA MIATA IG: Thanks to JOHN NADERI, HONDA CIVIC IG: Weve got channels for all your content needs. The Hoonigans: Project Cars: Ken Block: