Why Give Up Smoking
You ve heard that cigarettes are bad for your health, but do you know why Why should you quit smoking We follow the process of smoking all the way from lighting a cigarette, to the effect of nicotine on the brain. Main points: 1. The tobacco used in cigarettes contain over 7000 chemicals at least 250 of these are known to be harmful to health and over 70 are known carcinogens 2. Many chemicals within tobacco are absorbed into the bloodstream. This means that the harmful effects of cigarettes are not just limited to the lung 3. Nicotine is the main chemical responsible for the positive feelings associated with smoking. Nicotine can make you feel more alert, focussed and relaxed. 4. There is hope The number of smokers worldwide is decreasing. Full transcript and references: , cigarettes, healthexplained, docunlock Timestamps 0:00 Intro 0:25 The anatomy of a cigarette 0:46 What happens once a cigare