How To Develop The Correct Boxing Stance The Bosu Ball
How To Develop The Correct Boxing Stance The Bosu Ball. Tom Yankello of the WorldClassBoxingChannel teaches you a technique he uses with new boxers to develop a better boxing stance and a better boxing foundation. In this video he shows you how he uses the bosu ball and a platform that he built. He then shows you how he works a shoulder drill utilizing the bosu ball and platform. In boxing the back leg is the post. The back leg is the foundation. You develop a strong post by working his back leg on the bosu ball. The platform is higher than the bosu ball so you get the proper shoulder trajectory naturally when using this technique. It puts you in the right position. All the great fighters have this foundation. Use this drill to help develop your boxer to have the same great foundation Find Tom Yankello at: Email: Website: Phone: TikTok: Inst