Hold Your Breath Aka Lillian, Lilian Boyer (1922)
Item title reads: Hold Your Breath Miss Lilian Boyer beats all the air stunts mere man has ever United States of America. Great shots of Lillian Boyer stunting from wing of plane, hanging by her teeth, doing a headstand on the top wing, hanging suspended by her feet, holding on with one hand etc. At one point she seems to fall and there must have been gasps in the audience. But she is still attached and swings around in the air underneath the plane hanging on by her teeth. Plane does a looptheloop with Lilian standing on the top wing. She then clambers all over the wing and does a few somersaults and turns. Cuts seem to be spliced on to the end of the story. Original American titles flash through. Lilian hangs from her foot off the bottom of a ladder suspended from the plane. Lilian blows the cameraman a kiss then powders her nose. Nice shot at the end C, U of Lilian smiling. Very good stunts wing walking. The plane has Lilian s name emblazoned on the side. Note: A