2012 upload:2013 Mem1 Visiting Hours II
Visiting Hours II is a sitespecific audiovisual installation created by Mark and Laura Cetilia for SoundFjord (London, UK) during their residency in January 2012. The piece documents Mark and Laura s experience of visiting the gallery and the borough of Haringey where the gallery resides. Visiting Hours II makes use of location recordings, captured radio spectra and recordings made in the space with their musical instruments (cello, voice, and analogue electronics, as well as custom software, hardware that allow for realtime manipulation of these sound sources), along with locally recorded video that is subtly manipulated during playback in reaction to the soundscapes constructed by Mem1. Since the video is manipulated in real time based on the incoming audio signal, and the sound and video components are of different lengths, the piece is never the same from one viewing to the next.