Su33 for DCS World The Su33 has been the backbone of Russian aircraft carrier aviation since the late 1990s and is an allweather fighter capable of engaging both air and surface targets. Based on the powerful Su27 Flanker, the Su33 is a navalized version suited for operations aboard the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier. Changes to the Su33 include strengthened landing gear, folding wings, more powerful engines, and the very visible canards. The Su33 is equipped with a powerful pulse doppler radar and an Infrared Search and Track (IRST) for engaging aerial targets with a wide range of radar and infraredguided missiles and its internal cannon. For airtosurface attack, the Su33 can be armed with many types of unguided bombs, rockets, and cluster munitions. Despite its large size, the Su33 is very capable in a dogfight when combined with its integral helmetmounted sight and offboresight missiles.