Arto Lindsay, Simply Are. .. ( a film by Sarah Teper )
Arto Lindsay, Simply Are. .. a film by Sarah Teper An excellent movie that includes a lot of discussions and live music with Arto Lindsay, Melvin Gibbs, Peter Scherer, DJ Spooky, Dougie Bowne, Andres Levin, Vinicius Cantuaria, Caetano Veloso, etc live music: 00:57 Unsure 3:25 It Only Has To Happen Once 7:05 Anima Animale 11:25 ReEntry 14:15 Simply Are 18:33 Enxugar 22:15 Noon Chill 28:27 O Nome Dela 32:14 9 Out Of 10 37:36 Pode Ficar 39:55 Ondina 42:35 Amantes 44:23 Unbearable 46:31 Gods Are Weak 54:51 Whirlwind