How and Why Germany Got Rid Of Its Black Population
How Germany Got Rid Of Its Black Population. The AfroGermans otherwise known as the Black Germans are citizens or residents of Germany that are from SubSaharan Africa. There were lots of black people in Germany in the 18th century, but their number decreased after a while, causing few or no afro german in some parts of Germany. Cities such as Hamburg and Frankfurt, which were formerly centers of occupation forces following World War II and more recent immigration, have substantial AfroGerman communities. With modern trade and migration, communities such as Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich, and Cologne have an increasing number of AfroGermans. Kevin Prince Boateng and his twin brother Jerome are descendants of the AfroGermans. In this video, we are going to be talking about the erasure of African descent in Germany and what led to their reduction. Stay tuned and learn more. Let s begin Other videos you will love watching on our channel; How and Why Argentina Got Rid