How To Regain Confidence After A Mountain Bike Crash, MTB Skills
Falling off your MTB is inevitable; it s part of the sport and most of the time you can get away without serious injury. But it can knock your confidence and make you think twice about features you previously had no problem with. Here s Rich with some tips and trick on how to come back from a crash. Subscribe to Global Mountain Bike Network: Explore our new GMBN Tshirts and more Follow us on Instagram or Facebook globalmountainbikenetwork sign up to the GMBN newsletter: Submit your content to our uploader: we love to check out what you have been up to and may feature it on the show Do you have any more tips for recovering from a crash Let us know in the comments Watch more on Music licensed by Epidemic Sound ESAAH TAGE ESStill Smokin Duke Herrington , GMBN, MountainBiking, MountainBike, MTB, BikeLife, Cycling Click h