B I Cannon ( Giant Baba Antonio Inoki) vs. Abdullah the Butchere Tiger Jeet Singh
This is from the special Budokan Hall show hosted by Tokyo Sports to celebrate their 20th Anniversary, featuring the stars of NJPW, AJPW, and IWE in interpromotional matchups. Despite the starpower, and this show being one of the very few times active NJPW AJPW stars would interact with each other prior to the NOAH split, this show did not air on television due to the exclusivity agreements between the promotions their respective networks (NTV NET TV). The companies agreed to record for highlight packages but the tape ended up getting out anyways. This was the first time since Inoki s exit from JWA that BI Cannon tagged, and the last time they would team. Had the networks not vetoed over the idea of advertising the competition we might have seen more.