What is imposter syndrome and how can you combat it Elizabeth Cox
View full lesson: Check out our Patreon page: Even after writing eleven books and winning several awards, Maya Angelou couldnt escape the doubt that she hadnt earned her accomplishments. This feeling of fraudulence is extremely common. Why cant so many of us shake feelings that our ideas and skills arent worthy of others attention Elizabeth Cox describes the psychology behind the imposter syndrome, and what you can do to combat it. Lesson by Elizabeth Cox, directed by Sharon Colman. Thank you so much to our patrons for your support Without you this video would not be possible Divina Grace Dar Santos, Brian Richards, Farah Abdelwahab, Joe Meyers, Mikhail Shkirev, Raphaël LAURENT, Malcolm Callis, Sweetmilkcoco, David Matthew Ezroj, Ever Granada, fatima kried, Begum Tutuncu, Lala Arguelles, Mehmet Sencer KARADAYI, Christian Kurch, SungGyeong B