Buzz Aldrin Confesses That Apollo Didnt Go to the Moon
This is a FAIR USE of the theroarbots YouTube channel video, Zoey interviews Buzz Aldrin at . Buzz Aldrin actually confessed that they didn t go to the moon Listen carefully to his confession here. I think they used a six year old girl to minimize the impact of his confession and because he s regarded as an eccentric old man, they know many people will not take him seriously. I think he was ordered from above to say this. In my view, it was planned out this way. This is how the revelation of the method works. They tell you the truth so it minimizes their negative karma, in their view. But they tell you in such a trivial way that very few will know about it. So they can continue to maintain their lies and still be honest at the same time. See the full video, which is 17 minutes long, at: