Парад Победы, ,, Victory parade, автор и исп. Ольга Скрябина
Авторская песня, ,Парад Победы записана 18 апреля 2018 года. Victory parade Olga SkryabinOgorodnova On the Red Square Parade, Salute native country On the Red Square Parade, Yesto the world, no to war And we are proud and grieving, And tears in my eyes, We went to victory through the years, Forgetting about death and fear. by Red Square troops Solemnly go, Those who died in the war Have long been waiting, And every year already a circle Survivors, Shining Medals, Orders On the forms of combat. On the Red Square Parade, Playing March Orchestra, In honor of the Victory Day over the enemy Today we are all here, And again at the eternal fire Smahnjot The soldier s Tear, Many died in that war, They can t be brought back.