Mutton Bustin 2021 Saints Roost Ranch Rodeo, Saturday
Riding sheep is a wild and woolly experience for the youngest rodeo competitors. Many may have been on ponies trained to ride but sheep are a totally different animal. The objective here is to hang on the best they can for at least six seconds. ,COEA, Rodeo, MuttonBustin, ClarendonTx, AmericanHeartlands The Clarendon Outdoor Entertainment Association (COEA) opened Independence Day festivities with a July Fourth Junior Ranch Rodeo. Fivemember teams representing ten working ranches in the region demonstrating their working ranch skills. The Saint s Roost Independence Day Celebration has been held in Clarendon, Texas for 145 years. There are three rodeos during the celebration with kids riding sheep also known as mutton bustin. Clarendon Chamber of Commerce: This documentary film is a product of the Heritage Preservation Project. Website captiv