THE EAGLET Soviet song about the war, Canción de guerra, Chanson de guerre, 戦争の歌
, Soviet, song, aboutwar, Russian eagle, Soviet song Eaglet (1936) performed by the Bolshoi Children s Choir, soloist Sasha Yudenkov (recorded in 1983). Lyrics Ya. Shvedov, music V. Bely, song for the play based on the play Cotton (author of the play M. Daniel). The play tells about the era of the Civil War. The main character is a 15yearold Red Army teenager who saved his commander from being shot. During the Second World War, this song became especially popular. Many young people repeated the feat of the young hero of the song. Canción soviética Eaglet (1936) interpretada por el Coro de Niños Bolshoi, solista Sasha Yudenkov (grabada en 1983). Letras Ya. Shvedov, música V. Bely, canción para la obra basada en la obra Algodón (el autor de la obra M. Daniel). La obra narra la época de la Guerra Civil. El personaje principal es un adolescente del Ejército Rojo de 15 años que sal