Selected Originals Shadow Over Kenya (1954)
Selected originals (offcuts, selected scenes, outtakes, rushes) for story Shadow Over Kenya 54, 6. Lots of cuts exist for this story 8 separate reels. Some very good material which was not used in cut story. See other records. Army personnel rest in a quarry. Soldiers stand with guns trained on far away footage. Woman with baby strapped to back. Shots of villagers and their mud hut housing. Some shots of white military personnel. General Hind and staff may be featured. A group of black Africans are locked into a cage which seems to be on the back of a lorry. Various shots of African s leaving their village. One woman walks carrying a bed along on her head. One woman drops her pack because it is too heavy, she smiles at the camera. Shots of white army personnel. Large group of villagers sit on the ground refugees White officer speaks to some of the villagers. C, Us of a woman breast feeding a baby. Various shots of prisoners being herded out of the village Mau Mau Nurs