How ARCANE Writes Women
, LeagueOfLegends, Vi, Jinx Vi, Jinx, Caitlyn, Mel, Sevika, Grayson, Ambessa, Sky every one of Arcanes masterfully written women can teach so many fundamentals about how gender can express itself in storytelling. Arcanes women carefully sidestepped and, or neutralized gendered stereotypes and problematic tropes that so often cripple strong women in fiction. From Action Girls to the infamous Manic Pixie Dream Girl to lack of agency, body types, the male gaze and beyond, Arcane navigates around it all efficiently and deftly. The near universal praise for the female representation in Netflixs animated masterpiece are proof enough that these characters are worthy of careful analysis. Support me on Patreon: Read my comic Minor Champion NEW Chapter here: Follow me on Twitter Business email: