The Girl From Space (1963)
Moscow, Russia, Soviet Union (USSR). SV. Pan, the two Russian cosmonauts, Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman in space, and Valeri Bykovski walking down the steps of the aircraft onto the red carpet for the long walk to the greetings. CU. Pan, crowds waving and applauding. LV. The two cosmonauts mount the steps onto the rostrum for the greeting. CU. Crowd watching. SV. Nikita Khrushchev, Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, hugging Valentina, he shakes hands with Valeri and hugs him. CU. Crowds waving. SV. The two cosmonauts with Khrushchev in the centre holding large bouquets and waving to crowds. SV. Crowds on airport waving. SV. Khrushchev walking round with the two cosmonauts waving to the crowds. Valentina holding Khrushchev s arm. GV. As the car with the two cosmonauts drives to the Red Square, past cheering crowds. CU. Travel shot, flower bedecked car with Khrushchev and the two cosmonauts standing, waving. BGV. As the car drives across bridge into the Red Square. GV. Zoom in to