Carpenter Bee, Xylocopa virginica, They can cause a lot of damage
In the last few years i have been seeing the giant hornet around the garden and greenhouse. Today i seen this one up on my deck at one point it flew right at me. im not sure if its the European giant hornet or the Asian giant hornet, either way i don t want to get stung by one. i will try an swat one down and give really close up footage and images but for now i will leave them bee. Visit Today ,heirloomreview, hrseeds, bug, garden, insect, bee BUY LIVE INSECTS HERE: 150 Live Ladybugs Good Bugs Ladybugs Guaranteed Live Delivery 18, 000 Live Ladybugs Good Bugs Ladybugs Guaranteed Live Delivery Praying Mantis Egg Case With Hatching Habitat Cup 2 Praying Mantids Egg Cases Praying Mantis Egg Cases 2 Extra Large Cases 2, 000 Live Adult Predatory Mites 2 x 5 million Beneficial Nematodes Nema Globe Fungus Gnat Pest Control