My house build Pt2 ground floor brickwork and concrete formwork
Second part of the house build, from water insulation to concrete form work of the ground floor. Turn the CC on for subtitles:) We started by mixing water insulation sealant and brushing it around the rebar anchors in three layers. space in between the anchors was first brushed with bitumen primer and then 4mm thick bitumen foil was melted on top of it. First layer of bricks was placed on top of leveled mortar layer. Mortar has to be almost perfectly leveled for this kind of blocks, they are cnc planed and their thickness doesn t deviate more than a tenth of a millimetre. Other layers of blocks are glued together with special polyurethane glue. This kind of blockwork is a little bit more expensive than classic but it has 60 percent better thermal properties and is three time faster to work with, also much cleaner. After all the brick work was done, we tied all the rebar to its position and assembled the concrete forming. The blockwork went pretty fast and we did it in about five days but the rebar and