The Best of SUP surfing 2021, 1
The best videos of SUP surfing from 2021 so far. Thanks to the SUP surfer out there, you re all awesome Stand up paddle surfingandstand up paddle boarding(SUP) is an offshoot ofsurfingthat originated inHawaii. Unlike traditional surfing where the rider sits until a wave comes, stand up paddle boarders stand on their boards and use a paddle to propel themselves through the water. The sport was documented in a 2013 report that identified it as the outdoor sporting activity with the most firsttime participants in the United States that year. Variations include flat water paddling for outdoor recreation, fitness, or sightseeing, racing on lakes, large rivers and canals, surfing on oceanwaves, paddling in river rapids (whitewater SUP), Paddle board yogaand even fishing. Music: Defqwop Heart Afire (feat. Strix) NCS Release Janji Heroes Tonight (feat. Johnning) NCS Release Distrion ElectroLight You And Me (feat. Ke nekt) NCS Release All rights belong to their respective o