Emerson, Lake Palmer Knife Edge ( Live in Zurich, Switzerland, December 4, 1970)
Emerson, Lake Palmer KnifeEdge (Live in Zurich, Switzerland, December 4, 1970) Artist : Emerson, Lake Palmer Song : KnifeEdge Album : Emerson, Lake Palmer (1970) Knife Edge is based on the first movement of Leoš Janáček s Sinfonietta (1926) with an instrumental middle section that includes an extended quotation from the Allemande of Johann Sebastian Bach s first French Suite in D minor, BWV 812, but played on an organ rather than clavichord or piano. Emerson, Lake Palmer Keith Emerson Hammond organ, piano, clavinet, pipe organ, Moog modular synthesizer Greg Lake vocals, bass, acoustic and electric guitar Carl Palmer drums, percussion