Mohawk Camp (1960)
M, S of a group of boys walking along a country road with two leaders; pan right to show a sign reading Camp Mohawk, American Youth Camp with a painting of a Native American Indian. M, S of two young boys sitting at a table outside; they are carving wooden figures; C, U of painted American Indian figures on the table; commentator tells us the boys are at a camp in Salisbury, Wiltshire. M, Ss of two leaders painting and carving wooden totem poles; a younger boy examines the carving. M, Ss and C, Us of boys eating at long picnic tables outside from army style mess tins. Commentator says these boys are all children of American servicemen in the United Kingdom. One boy spoons some red jelly into his tin. The emphasis is on Red Indian lore says commentator as we see the boys sitting around a camp fire with Chief Rising Sun (in full costume), alias Bill Hargrove of the US Special Services Division who started the camp in 1956. Some of the boys roast sausages over the fire a weenie roast One small b