The Corpse Bride tears to shed lyrics
MAGGOT What does that whispy little brat have that you don t have double BLACK WIDOW She can t hold a candle to the beauty of your smile CORPSE BRIDE How about a pulse MAGGOT Overrated by a mile BLACK WIDOW Overbearing MAGGOT Overblown MAGGOT AND BLACK WIDOW If he only knew the you that we know CORPSE BRIDE (sigh) BLACK WIDOW And that silly little creature isn t wearing his ring MAGGOT And she doesn t play piano MAGGOT AND BLACK WIDOW Or dance MAGGOT Or sing MAGGOT AND BLACK WIDOW No she doesn t compare CORPSE BRIDE But she still breathes air BLACK WIDOW Who cares MAGGOT Unimportant BLACK WIDOW Overrated MAGGOT Overblown MAGGOT AND BLACK WIDOW If only he could see How special you can be If he only knew the you that we know CORPSE BRIDE If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain If you