1周年 1フェムトの大空 踊ってみた 岩茶 Niconico Video sm38572697
Isn t it dramatically different now than it was a year ago (No such thing) It s been the 1st anniversary of dancing today. .. Seriously. .. Actually, last year s online super conference was posted all at once on the 12th, but I was sick and secretly posted a video the next morning. Then I asked Pentachan to introduce me to me, and I was surprised that I came to such a place. I took a shot of the sky of 1 femto who danced with everyone at the real super conference I m sorry I draw f where I draw p as expected Music used: Hyadain sm34993581 Choreographer: 14 favorite dancers so34805885 Edit: Kana hikage1712 Twitter Mr. Kurei, Mr. Busabo, Mr. Samon, Mr. Ushi, Wakao, Mr. Ichi, Mr. shiu, Mr. jjbon, and Mr. Ame. Thank you for your advertisement My list mylist, 69270800 岩茶 04, 13, 2021 13:00 Views 1, 179