Techno Egyptians Portal Psiko
Released on 18th June 2001 and admitted to the Hall of Fame in February 2004, this level has an average rating of 9. 14 on at the time of recording. Its difficulty and duration are both medium. Story: Lara needs all her ability to face the TechnoEgyptians trouble: they are near to call New RHA here in the Earth in the shape of the Warrior of the Death (I ll make this happen in the second or third level, when I will reveal the location). What will happen if someone will open the Portal Nothing will be the same Download this level here: See my playlist for all levels in the Techno Egyptians universe here: IMPORTANT TIMESTAMPS , Paths to: 21:43 Secret, 1, 39:09 Secret, 2, 45:27 Secret, 3 (Grenade gun), 57:44 Secret, 4 (I think you can only get this